The cessation of the manna

Found 3 Search results

  1. Chapter 5 Finale: The Paschal Lamb, the Manna, and the Termination of Sefer Yehoshua's First Section

    Rabbi Michael Hattin

    This lesson continues the discussion about circumcision by investigating the people's failure to practice circumcision during the sojourn in the wilderness. We will also consider their fulfillment of the Pessah Sacrifice, the cessation of the miraculous manna, and the mysterious appearance of the 'Angel of God' at the conclusion of Chapter 5.

  2. Macharat Hashabbat: Holiness and Time in Sefer Vayikra

    Rabbi Chanoch Waxman

    תאריך פרסום: תש"ע | |

    What does the phrase "macharat hashabbat" mean? Many commentaries attempt to answer this question, which has important implications regarding the observance date of the holiday of Shavuot. However, by carefully examining the texts in Vayikra, we gain an understanding of the connection between Shavuot and the concept of Shabbat, signifying dependency on Hashem. We also gain deeper insights into the two aspects of meeting with Hashem - both in place and time. 

  3. The Problem of Macharat HaShabbat

    Rabbi Chanoch Waxman | 36 minutes

    What does the term Macharat HaShabbat mean? Many classical commentaries deal with this famous question, which holds practical implications for the counting of the omer and the holiday of Shavuot. By comparing the korban haomer with the episode of the manna in the desert, we can learn about Shabbat and our constant dependency on God.