Rabbi Dr. Yehoshua Reiss

Found 8 Search results

  1. Megillat Ruth - Structure and Overview

    Rabbi Dr. Yehoshua Reiss

    The Book of Ruth describes the transition from starvation and death, described in the first five verses of the book, to the hope and redemption of the final five verses describing the generations leading to the birth of David, King of Israel. The main theme of the storyline is driven by acts of hessed (kindness), leading toward redemption performed by the antagonists of the story. 

  2. Destruction to Restoration - Chart and Explanation

    Rabbi Dr. Yehoshua Reiss

    "Houses and fields and vineyards shall yet again be bought in this land" (Jer. 32:15)

    The chart below displays the story of Am Yisrael during the last 300 years of the Biblical era. It depicts the dramatic story of the transition between the destruction of the kingdoms of Israel and Yehuda and the Temple to the return to Zion and the building of the second Temple. The optimistic conclusion of the Tanakh reflects the prophetic perception of the revival and rebuilding of Am Yisrael in its land. 

  3. Self Study Questions for Tisha B'Av

    "Houses and fields and vineyards shall yet again be bought in this land" (Jer. 32:15)

    Rabbi Dr. Yehoshua Reiss

    Below is a series of questions related to the "Destruction to Restoration" chart. These questions facilitate an in-depth study of the chart and an understanding of the general historical outlook on the period of the final kings of Yehuda, the destruction of the Temple, and the return to Zion.

    Please download the attached file for a formatted question sheet.

  4. Answers for Self Study Questions

    "Houses and fields and vineyards shall yet again be bought in this land" (Jer. 32:15)

    Rabbi Dr. Yehoshua Reiss

    Please see the attached answers for the self study questions for Tisha B'Av.

    The chart below displays the story of Am Yisrael during the last 300 years of the Biblical era. It depicts the dramatic story of the transition between the destruction of the kingdoms of Israel and Yehuda and the Temple to the return to Zion and the building of the second Temple. The optimistic conclusion of the Tanakh reflects the prophetic perception of the revival and rebuilding of Am Yisrael in its land.   

  5. Tanakh timeline at a glance - Chart and Explanation

    Rabbi Dr. Yehoshua Reiss

    The chart below displays the major timelines of the Tanakh in order, starting from Beresheet until the return to Zion. It depicts the Main stories and characters from every central period, and includes information on the ruling empires as well as noting the biblical literature written during those times.

    Click the Infograph to print and view the chart in full size.

  6. Dealing With Crisis – David Hamelekh as a Model

    Rabbi Dr. Yehoshua Reiss |

    King David is presented in the Tanakh as a figure who is successful in coping in times of crisis and distress – both on an individual level and as a leader. One of the most difficult events experienced by David was the Amalekite invasion of Ziklag, in which the city was destroyed and his men’s families were taken captive.

  7. The path to victory

    Rabbi Dr. Yehoshua Reiss

  8. Dealing With Crisis – David Hamelekh as a Model

    Rabbi Dr. Yehoshua Reiss