Nachliel Selavan
Source: ; ;
Lesson Length: 38 minutes
This is an analysis of the Archaeology of the Sefer Shemot by Nachliel Selavan.
Archaeology Snapshot is a discussion on the location, timeline, main...
Nachliel Selavan
Lesson Length: 20 minutes
This is an analysis of the Archaeology of the Sefer Bereshit by Nachliel Selavan.
Archaeology Snapshot is a discussion on the location, timeline, main...
Nachliel Selavan
Lesson Length: Hour and 6 minutes
Sefer Study Devarim: Overview and Meaning - Rabbi Menachem Leibtag
This the fifth episode of Tanach study's five episode course studying of an overview...
Nachliel Selavan
Lesson Length: 47 minutes
Sefer Study Bemidbar: Overview and Meaning - Rabbi Dr. Elie Assis
This the fourth episode of Tanach study's five episode course studying of an overview...
Nachliel Selavan
Lesson Length: Hour and 26 minutes
Sefer Study Vayikra: Overview and Meaning - Mrs. Shani Taragin
This the third episode of Tanach study's five episode course studying of an overview and...
Nachliel Selavan
Lesson Length: 50 minutes
Sefer Study Shemot: Overview and Meaning - Dr. Yael Ziegler
This the second episode of Tanach study's five episode course studying of an overview and the...
Nachliel Selavan
Lesson Length: Hour and 33 minutes
This the opening episode of Tanach study's five episode course studying of an overview and the meaning of the five books of Torah (Pentateuch). In this...
Summary and concluding remarks
Dr. Beni Gesundheit
Lesson Length: Hour and 11 minutes
Throughout this course of 30 lectures, we have learned how use of contextual interpretation adds to the multi-layered and relevant messages of Tehillim to...
The Structure & Story of Book V (107-150)
Dr. Beni Gesundheit
Lesson Length: Hour and 20 minutes
Pesukei deZimra: the Concluding Mizmorim of Tehillim (145, 146-150)
How do these concluding Mizmorim of the Book of Tehillim contribute to the narrative...
The Structure & Story of Book V (107-150)
Dr. Beni Gesundheit
Lesson Length: Hour and 16 minutes
Mizmor 145 (Tehila l’David/Ashrei)
Mizmor 145, Ashrei, is said three times on a daily basis every day and on all holidays. What is the special message...